

Braille Production

Braille Matters!

There is no substitute for the ability to read. For blind people, braille is an essential tool that aids in the process of becoming literate. Tape recorders and synthesised speech are useful tools, but they are inadequate substitutes for reading and writing. Braille literacy plays the same key role in a blind person's life that print literacy does in a sighted person's it increases opportunities. Braille is an extremely important tool for blind people to become literate, and it is a critical component that supports educational advancement and increases employment prospects.

What is Braille

Braille is a system of reading and writing by touch used by the blind. It consists of arrangements of dots which make up letters of the alphabet, numbers, and punctuation marks. ... Capitalisation is accomplished by placing a dot 6 in the cell just before the letter that is capitalised.

Grade 1 Braille

Grade 1 braille is a letter-for-letter substitution of its printed counterpart. This is the preferred code for beginners because it allows people to get familiar with, and recognize different aspects of, the code while learning how to read braille.

English grade 1 braille consists of the 26 standard letters of the alphabet as well as punctuation.

Basic Braille letters

Grade 2 Braille

The literary braille code, grade 2, uses "contractions" that substitute shorter sequences for the full spelling of commonly-occurring letter groups. The contractions are similar to English print contractions, like "cannot" versus "can't", in the way that a word is shortened. For example, "the" is usually a single character in braille.

We use this type of braille code for a few reasons.
First, a standard braille cell is large. It's approximately the equivalent of 29pt Arial font. That means that one page of print can easily turn into three pages of braille. Contractions help reduce the number of characters and thereby reduce the overall size of a document.

Second, reading and writing braille can be time-consuming. By implementing contractions, it takes less time to do both.


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